Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter
Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter (1966)

Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter

(15 voti)




- PLOTContrary to the film's title, it's actually Frankenstein's granddaughter that Jesse meets.

The cork on the table changes position between shots when The Wild Bunch is telling Jessie James the robbery plan.


This movie is so underrated. It not a 2.

Legendary outlaw of the Old West Jesse James, on the run from Marshal MacPhee, hides out in the castle of Baron Frankenstein's granddaughter Maria, who proceeds to transform Jesse's slow-witted pal Hank into a bald zombie, which she names Igor.Believe it or not, the guy who plays Jesse James in this flick has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

This shallow concept movie isn't really worth the time and energy required to watch it. I actually felt cheated the title suggests the film might be hilariously bad.

The notorious Jesse James (John Lupton) and his enormous partner, Hank Tracy (musclebound behemoth Cal Bolder) are double crossed after a robbery. During the ensuing melee, Hank is mortally wounded.

Arranca mostrándonos un pequeño pueblo del Oeste americano sobre el que podemos ver situado en una cercana colina una gran y siniestra mansión que se yergue sobre sus casas, conocemos a una familia de lugareños en la que la hija Juanita (Estelita Rodríguez) se muestra alterada ante el victimismo religioso de sus padres por las nulas noticias de su hermano Francisco que presuntamente ha caído enfermo cuando trabajaba en la siniestra casona, sospechando que la pareja de hermanos dueños de la misma se traen algo raro entre manos ya que las muertes y posterior desaparición de los cadáveres de chavales del pueblo que trabajaban para ellos, apuntan a algo más que esa excusa de que han contraído un virus contagioso que ha hecho necesario enterrarlos urgentemente.Los hermanos de la casona son Rudolph y María Frankenstein (Cal Bolder y Narda Onyx), nietos del barón Frankenstein que se han trasladado a ese pueblo huyendo de Viena, atraídos por lo oído a un colega vienes con respecto a las magnificas tormentas que en el lugar estallaban con frecuencia, todo una gozada para experimentos de mad doctors (como muy bien ilustra la escena en las que los conocemos, con María Frankenstein extasiada ante rayos y truenos), y que tras fracasar con todos los experimentos anteriores con chavales, solo disponen de un cerebro del abuelo y ansían encontrar un recio espécimen adulto a quien trasplantarlo.

Here's the problem with this movie. It just wasn't cheesy enough.

This was much more entertaining than I expected. The overacting is in a class of its own.

Beaudine assembled several genre tropes (Frankenstein, the western, the strongmen) to spoof gently a Gothic tale; it's like his '40s gentle comedies, relying upon story as much as upon spoof, aware that a movie needs a storyline, because Beaudine never relied on mere spoof. This quirky western is like an eerie 'Bonanza' episode, endowed with a buxom lady as a runaway physician, a scientist from the Frankenstein family, and in her the spirit of the grandfather has been rekindled, though she ostensibly has more earthly aims, whether declared or not (the story being about her sexual fantasy); Davis looked folksy, but was handsome, he plays the marshal.

This is how I ended my review of BILLY THE KID VS. Dracula (1966): "In short, a fun film for all the wrong reasons – and I can't say that I'm looking forward to viewing its companion piece, JESSE JAMES MEETS FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER".
